Saturday, August 21, 2010

New River Part Deux

Taylor, Mase and I went and did an overnight on The New the last weekend in July and despite the fact that it dumped on us for a solid 6 hours on Saturday we had a great trip. We did not catch a ton of fish but we caught a handful of really nice fish each day. I personally had been on a record setting dink streak so it was exciting to catch some good fish. We also caught every single one of these fish on the surface with big white popping bugs. Most of the fish except for Taylor's monster ate in real slow water near the banks and the takes were super slow and subtle just like a big ole trout.

This was the biggest fish of the trip. A solid 19" measured on the cooler. It ate in fast water and put up a hell of a fight. Taylor did a hell of a job just to land this fish. About 45 minutes after this fish I had a bigger one slurp my popping bug charge me, jump out of the water so we could see him, and spit it right back in the boat. He still haunts my dreams

Hard to see how fat this fish is but he is a hoss.

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