Monday, March 9, 2009

God Damn Salmon

the bridge on our way out

Chris slaying trout with a bunch of geese just upstream

Dex is going to kill me when he sees this

That is one happy stache!!

Hate to put this fish on the ice but was all by myself and had to document it. This is the toad from the video. Hard to appreciate the girth on this bad boy in this pic. I guessing 19-20 in but had to way every bit of 4 pounds. He was pissed too
First fish of the trip for me
scottie and hatch rippin em on the creek

Morgan spotted a monster under the bridge and I could not leave him alone. Got him to come look on first cast then got him to eat on the second cast but farmed him. Never tried to set a hook from a bridge before. Pretty rad to watch him open his big white mouth and go for it. I'll get him next time.

Sweet Jesus that fish is huge. Nice work Morgan(be sure to click this picture)

celebratory stoagie on the bridge accompanied by some delicious brownwater

Everybody made fun of me for this video but had to post it anyway, and it is the inspiration for the title. This fish was pretty well spent by the time I pulled the camera out but he was holding in fast water on the seam behind a big rock and he went bonkers when I first hooked him.

We had an amazing 2 days of fishing. Morgan thanks again for getting us out there.

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