Sunday, January 11, 2009

Duckin/Jackson - Victor Trip part 1

Notice Pooty Tang in his undies!!

Sam showing Drake who is boss

Where is Sam?

Silly Women

on the way

Sarah and I drove up to Jackson Hole to celebrate our recent engagement :), visit some friends and family, and pick up the duck boat. The first night we stayed with Poot in Jackson and Artie, Erin, and Andy came over and showed us how to cook shrimp etoufee. We all had a great time and the next day Sarah and I got burritos at Down on Glen and then headed to Victor to spend the new year's eve with Hil, Los, and Sam. It took us close to 2 hours to dig out the duck boat and Sarah was a big help.

In Victor we celebrated with a bunch of Los and Hil's friends at one of their houses. The next day we all slept in and watched college football. Shortly after we got up Carlos got a call to rescue one of his buddies who got stuck in snow drift. Later in the day when we left for a beer/emporium run we discovered that we were snowed in which ended up being pretty entertaining. The plows finally came around and we had an awesome dinner at the Knotty Pine. Los and I were out ordered by the ladies. Hil got Peking Duck and Sarah got lamb ribs while Los and stuck with the delicious but boring hamburger steak.
The next morning Sarah and I hit the road towards duck country battling terrible wind, rain, and snow the whole way. We made it around 4 just in time to put the boat in the water and make sure everything was in order.

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