Monday, July 21, 2008

Diddy Rocks Boulder and Chuck Diesel Rocks the Lazy Dog

We started off the weekend by playing golf at Flat Irons and it pains me to admit the Huston shot a 41 on the front nine and ended up taking all of our money. Next I took the team to Juanitas for some potent margaritas which complimented the beer that was consumed on the golf course. Galen managed to keep it together though because he knew he needed to perform later in the night. So we helped Galen tote some of his gear over to the Lazy Dog where the band "Frogs Gone Fishin" was playing. The band was entertaining but Galen and his other buddy from Colorado College stole the show.

The next day we got up and drove up towards fort collins and headed west into the poudre canyon. We spent all day fishing the poudre with limited success. THe water was way to high, but we suprised Huston with tickets to go see Sam Bush and Lori McKenna play at Mishawaka which is one of the most spectacular music venues in Colorado right along the Poudre River. THe setting was definitely very cool but the evening was slightly marred by the fact that Lori McKenna did not show up and the place was literaly crawling with the most abnoxious hippies on the planet. I have nothing against hippies, and might even be considered one by some people's standards but these people smelled like they had been rolling around in dog shit and had absolutely no regard for other peoples space as they flailed around in their acid induced noodling. To make things worse I had dex with me because he went fishing with us, and I had to leave him in the back of the truck on the side of the road that was swarming with these hippies, so I spent the whole show worrying that dex was going to eat a hippie. The 2 hour drive back to boulder was not that sweet either at 2 in the morning.

We slept in the next day and had a late breakfast at lucile's and sent huston packing. All in all it was a great weekend.

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