Monday, December 29, 2008
Rose Valley Swat

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Band Report
Last two bands I have collected were from Alberta and Saskatchewan which is way cooler than cortez, co
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A couple of weeks ago I went and got my dell ink cartridges refilled at Cartridge World(which is a great company that provides a great service). I love this company because they are friendly, helpful, and they provide an environmentally friendly and more importantly a cheaper service than just buying new cartridges.(you save 50%)
Anyway my piece of crap dell printer would not recognize that the cartridges were in fact full, and long story short I attempted to address this with an online chat session with a dell techie that ended up abandoning me after I waited around for an hour and 7 minutes. Here is the transcript from the last part of the chat log.
10/23/2008 12:05:35PM
Agent (Pro Support Heather Wray): "Just a moment, while I get you over to the correct folks, David."
10/23/2008 12:05:43PM
Session Transferred to Queue (US.Consumer.TS.EA.Printer)
10/23/2008 01:12:24PM
Session Ended
THen I decided to get somebody on the phone and for the next hour they transfered me to 5 different departments and asked me for my service tag 5 different times before I got to some ding dong in India that told me that I have to buy a new 60 dollar cartridge from dell if I want my printer to work and their is nothing they can do to help me.
Absolutely unbelievable!!! I am going to enjoy watching this horrible company die a slow death and get their lunch eaten by Apple, HP, Toshiba you name it.
If any body ever wants to write a case study for MBA students on what not to do if you want to stay in business DELL is the perfect example.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
2nd week of the season

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Orcas Island/Seattle
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Willie @ Red Rocks
Jerry Jeff Walker opened for Willie and we all really enjoyed his set. It was an absolutely beautiful evening that was complimented by a pretty outrageous lightning storm out over the city of Denver. Willie as usual totally rocked despite the fact that he did not close with Whiskey River which puzzled Sarah who has seen him more times than I can count and insists that he closes with that jam every time she has seen him.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Leland Hog Slaying
We all went out fishing on the 5th with Captain Bill Crandell on his boat C-worthy. We have been coming to leland our whole lives and never gone out charter fishing before but we decided to give it a try to celebrate Sarah and Taylor's birthdays. I sincerely hope it will become an annual tradition because we had an absolutely awesome time and came away with a lot of good fish to eat.
The weather was perfect,the beer was cold, and the highlights were a big king salmon and a nice brown trout which is a really rare catch out on the big lake
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Dream Stream
Click on these pics to see the full size image

Monday, July 28, 2008
Coot Lake Pics
Sarah and I went out to coot lake last week to let dex go swimming and we got to see a pretty incredible double rainbow that you could see end to end followed by a pretty spectacular sun set. Next time Mom or Bob are visiting we will have to borrow their photography skills to capture Dex launching off the bank to retrieve his bumper.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Diddy Rocks Boulder and Chuck Diesel Rocks the Lazy Dog
We started off the weekend by playing golf at Flat Irons and it pains me to admit the Huston shot a 41 on the front nine and ended up taking all of our money. Next I took the team to Juanitas for some potent margaritas which complimented the beer that was consumed on the golf course. Galen managed to keep it together though because he knew he needed to perform later in the night. So we helped Galen tote some of his gear over to the Lazy Dog where the band "Frogs Gone Fishin" http://www.myspace.com/frogsgonefishin was playing. The band was entertaining but Galen and his other buddy from Colorado College stole the show.
The next day we got up and drove up towards fort collins and headed west into the poudre canyon. We spent all day fishing the poudre with limited success. THe water was way to high, but we suprised Huston with tickets to go see Sam Bush and Lori McKenna play at Mishawaka http://www.mishawakaconcerts.com/ which is one of the most spectacular music venues in Colorado right along the Poudre River. THe setting was definitely very cool but the evening was slightly marred by the fact that Lori McKenna did not show up and the place was literaly crawling with the most abnoxious hippies on the planet. I have nothing against hippies, and might even be considered one by some people's standards but these people smelled like they had been rolling around in dog shit and had absolutely no regard for other peoples space as they flailed around in their acid induced noodling. To make things worse I had dex with me because he went fishing with us, and I had to leave him in the back of the truck on the side of the road that was swarming with these hippies, so I spent the whole show worrying that dex was going to eat a hippie. The 2 hour drive back to boulder was not that sweet either at 2 in the morning.
We slept in the next day and had a late breakfast at lucile's and sent huston packing. All in all it was a great weekend.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Steve Earle : Fort Worth Blues
Saw Steve Earle play last night in the Boulder Theatre. I did not really want to go because he has a tendency to start preaching about the war and death penalty more than he plays music. I think he must have figured out that he was annoying people because he played his first 5 or 6 songs without saying one word in between. He got in his two cents before the night was over but it was pretty tasteful. Anyway it was a great show he played a long set with no breaks and his wife Allison Moorer opened for him and joined him on a couple sets. My first impression of her when I saw her play last summer was that she was kind of a barbie doll with out much substance but I really enjoyed her set this time. Thanks for making me go Sarah!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Ryan Bingham - Southside Of Heaven: Video - Closed Captioned
great song and video
here is the link for the video for some reason the one above only works about half the time.
Monday, June 30, 2008
CollegeWeekends.com Progress
Recently we hired a web developer as an independent contractor to start on the complete redevelopment of the site. We are really excited about this guy, and hope that he will blow our socks off with the first couple of projects he has been given. It is my hope that he will indeed knock our socks off and then become a permanent member of the team.
This issue alone has caused my teammates and I a lot of grief. Some of us are strong believers that in order for CollegeWeekends.com to be a success it is important that we have a talented developer as part of the team. On the other hand there is the argument for hiring a web development firm to handle the creation of the site and then hire IT help to handle problems as they arise.
I am a member of the first team. I want to have somebody who goes to bed at night thinking about CollegeWeekends.com and how to make it better, not some team of robots that is treating our company and our business model as if we are just another line item in a long list of things to do. None of us have technical skills and all though I have a strong concept of how I want the site to perform I want somebody who knows about all the available technologies and all the opportunities on the web to direct the development. After all with out the Internet we have no business so we need somebody who lives and breathes the Internet to architect our site.
Bare with me this is for Google. CollegeWeekends.com, Charlottesville Hotels, UVA Guest Houses, college weekends
Ryan Bingham Rocks
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
On Saturday night though one of the nicest and most widely admired people I know Robert Svboda fell off a deck at the house he was staying at and broke his back. He is undergoing surgery today, so please keep him in your thoughts and hope for the best.
Diddy Sucks @ Golf

you can click on these pics to see the full size
Saturday, June 14, 2008
D Sheats Special
McKee/Gurasich Clan comes to town
We just had the McKee Posse for a great but way too short visit. Hopefully we can get them to come back somtime soon when the skiing or the fishing is good. While they were here we ate a bunch of good food and saw some great music. The highlights were A'telier, which was really delicious food that was not neccesarily complimented by a bizarre atmosphere. We also had lunch at The Kitchen which continues not to dissapoint. On th music front we went an saw John Prine and Emmy Lou play at Red Rocks. Red Rocks is an incredible venue no matter who is playing but this was the first time I have been there to see an artist I was really excited about. The fact that Molly and Bob had never been there before and Sarah has an unhealthy obssession with Emmy Lou made it even more exciting.
Sarah will be mad at me for blogging about this but I actually thought emmy lou stunk the place up! If you are playing in front of 50,000 people that paid 40 bucks to see you the least you can do is learn the lyrics to the songs you are singing. Not only that but it is disrespectful to the person on the stage with if they are the one that wrote the songs. When she had to read the lyrics to angel from montgomery it totally blew my mind. Everybody in the world know the words to that song. Not only was she reading the lyrics but she totally botched the performance. If you are curious you can watch that video on you tube at the following link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mWvv3lFHbg&feature=related
Thank god John Prine is a huge bad ass and put on an incredible performance. I was really there to see emmy lou and did not know much about John Prine, but he totally blem me away. He played for 2.5 hours without a set break. I think a really powerful sign of a talented artist is when they have the ability to completely silence a crowd because everybody at the conert is hanging on every word. Check out this link to see what I am talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Nd6fgL-jv0&feature=related durin "Hello in There" and most of his songs you could hear a mouse fart. Anyway I had a great time at the show and can't wait to get all the JP albums Bob is sending us. Thank you sarah for getting us tickets and sorry I ripped on Emmy Lou, but pewwweee!
JP and Emmy Lou playing in spite of ourselves. Tell emmy lou to put down the paper.